Unknown future of Logistics


With new strains of Covid emerging on a semi-regular basis, one wonders how the world will react and change moving forward.  On top of that, we have ongoing supply chain issues continuing into 2022. How will all of this affect the economy? Will we experience a slow down or stagnation this year?

Interestingly, business does not seem to be slowing down at the moment due to supply chain issues. In fact, there is a large shortage of warehousing space in the USA as companies try to build up their raw material supplies and finished product. In turn, this has made “just in time logistics” almost redundant as companies must rely on warehouse support to handle the growth in demand for their products.

However, with each new variant of Covid, we are seeing increasing pressure on labor demand. In particular, finding quality labor is an issue that will take years to fix and will still be around after Covid has become a memory. 

It is a certainty that at some time in the future there will be a slow down in demand and the economy will contract – this is a cyclical business reality. We can only hope that we all learned something from mistakes made in the last recession over 10 years ago.

In the meantime, review your business plan for the next couple of years and begin to strategize how you can maintain and build growth. This includes reviewing internal processes and considering outsourcing logistics that are a distraction from your core capabilities. AW2 Logistics can certainly help you with that. Let us explore business growth possibilities that exist and work with you to thrive in the CHAOS that we are currently experiencing.

If you have ever considered outsourcing all or parts of your supply chain, or simply do not have the capacity to support your growing production please contact AW2 Logistics to discuss your needs in more detail.


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