Tinsel Towers & Their Impending Tariffs
Off season can production that leads into peak season canning requires a ramp up of cans. Cans are manufactured 24/7 w/50-60 cans per second. Think about that for a second . . .
The build up to peak requires off site storage in a class A facility that doesn’t have any current or previous tenants whose product may have or had a lingering odor. The pallets that stand 9’ tall are safe to stack four high, if your building is tall enough. Special handlers are trained and become quite skilled in maneuvering these tinsel towers.
The newest challenge will be the anticipated increased tariffs on stainless steel imports. Effective March 12, 2025, any imported stainless steel items or any stainless steel items that reside inside a U.S. based Free Trade Zone, will be assessed the new tariff rate as soon as the goods leave the FTZ after March 12, 2025.
These increased tariff amounts will eventually be realized to all consumers sooner rather than later, as no one had time to pivot in order to try and recover from the 25% spike in duties.
AW2 Logistics offers our client 3PL warehousing from a vetted and reliable partner able to assist during the influx of ramp up of cans, as well as during peak when the 3PL warehouse has zero cans. This type of ebbs and flow offer uniquw challenges and it is best to be forthcoming with data that supports these challenging needs. We provide Insightful, intuitive solutions that work for both our client and our 3PL provider from the warehousing point of view. Unfortuantely, as it relates to the tariff increase, this will result additional spending for all consumers of canned goods.
For more information, please contact us here: Kim McCloud, Director of Business Development, Office: 414-570.2281 / Cell: 414.870.2727 / Email or complete the form below.