Just Another Day In Logistics!

The AW2 Logistics Team recently faced one its largest and most challenging projects of the year.

The customer, based in Tennessee, is a very well-known entertainment facility undergoing a major redesign and development. The entire product for this project had to be centrally located in Knoxville, held for 45 days, and then transported to the facility over narrow, backcountry roads.

On arrival, we were informed that blacktop had just been poured and no trucks (including ours!) were allowed on the driveway! A way had to be found as we were up against a “not to miss” deadline…we discovered the main building had a receiving dock built, which had us momentarily excited. However, it was 10” too short for any of our equipment coming in, and really only useful for UPS/FEDX. 

Time for Plan B…offload all of the freight near the dock until the box truck arrives and then pony it from one truck to another allowing the box truck the opportunity to make it to the main floor level for inside delivery.

We were then assured that heavy rain was due that night, so the freight had to be moved inside immediately.  The hallways allocated for freight were jam-packed and even if we could station it there, the hotel wouldn’t pass the fire code. 

Time for Plan C…push the electricians into the main ballroom to finish hanging the chandeliers. They were out by noon; our team jumped into action and with 4 additional staff members, equipped with handcarts, we moved all the freight into the ballroom.

And I forgot to mention, it was 96 humid degrees on fresh asphalt . . . Just another day in Logistics!

For more information on Supply Chain & Warehouse Space anywhere in the U.S. or Canada, please contact Kim McCloud, Director of Business Development, Office: 414-570.2281 / Cell: 414.870.2727, or contact us here..


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